Healing is a process that concerns the body, heart, spirit and soul. To find true, lasting healing, it is important to work on all of these levels. Healing is not simply an absence of physical symptoms, it is a deep sense of peace, a strong connection to our purpose and awakening to our true selves. I endeavour to help people align their bodies, hearts, spirits and souls so that greater healing can be found.
Why you may want to work with me...
There are a number of reasons why you may feel drawn to this form of healing. Perhaps you want to release past trauma, or you are feeling stuck or stagnant in a part of your life. Maybe you want to gain a deeper connection to your intuition, to learn to make more heart-centred choices and reconnect to your own natural power and wisdom. You may want to have a better understanding of your emotions, improve your relationships and gain greater control over this aspect of yourself. Or you may need help following a loved one passing on, or with your own mortality. Perhaps you have lost your way, no longer feel comfortable in your own skin and need something to help you find your way back.
Whatever brings you here, I work with those who are ready. Ready to go deeper and leave behind all that holds them back. I work with those who understand that their healing has a component to it that lies beneath the surface and needs attention.
Everyone’s path is unique, so we all have our own reasons for healing, but the rewards we stand to gain by going on our healing journey await us.